SOS Children's Villages Fundraiser
Ciara Searle
Every child deserves a family
Thank you so much for visiting this page. SOS Children's Villages and their ideals are very close to my heart. Spending my preschool years in Johannesburg, South Africa and returning every summer, I have witnessed poverty and disparity, but more importantly I have witnessed generosity, love, and the miracle of humanity empowering humanity. That unselfishness, magnanimity, and strength is what inspires me every day and ultimately what drove me to start this fundraiser, and I'll appreciate all the support I can get. All donations will make a difference! If just 35 dollars can support one child for one month, think of how many children we can help with 1000 dollars, or 5000 dollars. Together we can make sure every child has a loving home! Your money will help provide a child with a stable and loving family, an education, three meals a day, the chance to stay with their biological siblings, and the life of love, stability, brilliance, and success that they deserve. You will be helping the SOS foundation protect children from child labor and child trafficking, find safe, nurturing spaces for children to grow and live in, empower children through education, mentoring, internships, and entrepreneurial and skill development classes. If you are a parent, imagine having to leave your young child, or kick them out of the house because you can't afford to support them; because you have no choice. No parent should ever have to make that choice, and no child should have to bear the responsibilities that come with it. Your donation will help that parent support that child. Your donation will keep a family together. If you are a sibling, imagine seeing your little sibling turned out of the house because the situation is so desperate. The loss you feel after realizing you may never see them again is life-changing. With your donation, this child could grow up with their siblings. Thank you for your consideration and donations.